Discussion guide


You may have already recognised that the hard-to-control hunger (hyperphagia) and obesity you, or the person you care for, experience are very different from the experiences of others who have obesity, but you feel unsure about what could be causing it or how to describe it to the doctor. In this case, it is important people begin by trusting their feelings.

Our discussion guide has been developed to support you in preparing for an appointment with your doctor or nurse so that you can talk openly about the impact of hard-to-control hunger and obesity and work with them to agree on the best care plan possible.

Download, complete the guide and take it to your next appointment so you can have an informed conversation with your doctor.

Guidance and support

Use our discussion guide to find out more about what you can do to manage hard-to-control hunger.

Discussion guide

This guide has been developed to support you in preparing for an appointment with your doctor or nurse so that you can talk openly about the impact of hard-to-control hunger and obesity and work with them to agree on the best care plan possible.